
Sep 11, 2018
Discovery of MILRad Polymerization. Paper of Anthony, Dain, Hatice, Uyen, Yu-Sheng published today in Macromolecules. Tom and Scott are thanked as well.
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Discovery of MILRad Polymerization. Paper of Anthony, Dain, Hatice, Uyen, Yu-Sheng published today in Macromolecules. Tom and Scott are thanked as well.
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Sep 10, 2018
Dain was awarded the “Best Presentation” in his Session at the 256th National ACS in Boston, MA. Congratulations!
Dain was awarded the “Best Presentation” in his Session at the 256th National ACS in Boston, MA. Congratulations!

Jun 06, 2018
Michael Lampley’s paper on expandable nanoparticles was published in ACS Macroletters !
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Michael Lampley’s paper on expandable nanoparticles was published in ACS Macroletters !
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May 14, 2018
Dain and Jake met again at the Commencement at Vanderbilt! Congratulations to the Graduates!
Dain and Jake met again at the Commencement at Vanderbilt! Congratulations to the Graduates!

Apr 03, 2018
Breyinn Loftin was awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship and was featured in UH Today and Inside Research. Congratulations Breyinn! Now we have three laureates in the group!
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Breyinn Loftin was awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship and was featured in UH Today and Inside Research. Congratulations Breyinn! Now we have three laureates in the group!
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Mar 23, 2018
Michael Marin defended his thesis and is now starting his dream position at Hewlett Packard. Congratulations!
Michael Marin defended his thesis and is now starting his dream position at Hewlett Packard. Congratulations!

Mar 06, 2018
Eva is one of the laureates of the Gutenberg Chair – Cercle Gutenberg- and attends ceremony at the University of Strasbourg on March 2
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Eva is one of the laureates of the Gutenberg Chair – Cercle Gutenberg- and attends ceremony at the University of Strasbourg on March 2
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Jan 18, 2018
Jake’s biofilm paper published in ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces. Result of a great collaboration with M.McCurdy, Bridget Rodgers and the Guelcher group. Thank you all for make it happen.
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Jake’s biofilm paper published in ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces. Result of a great collaboration with M.McCurdy, Bridget Rodgers and the Guelcher group. Thank you all for make it happen.
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Dec 19, 2017
Harth group holiday lunch at Ninfa’s on Navigation. Happy Holidays everyone ( Estela and Yu-Sheng not pictured)
Harth group holiday lunch at Ninfa’s on Navigation. Happy Holidays everyone ( Estela and Yu-Sheng not pictured)

Dec 05, 2017
Jake Lockhart successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations, Jake!
Jake Lockhart successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations, Jake!

Dec 01, 2017
Michael Marin’s Poster was nominated for the best poster award at the MRS meeting in Boston! Congratulations.
Michael Marin’s Poster was nominated for the best poster award at the MRS meeting in Boston! Congratulations.

Sep 06, 2017
Out of the boxes and ready to go – Our beautiful brand new lab!
Out of the boxes and ready to go – Our beautiful brand new lab!

Sep 01, 2017
Eva’s official first day at UH. Thanks to UH and everyone who supported me. Very excited to start!
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Eva’s official first day at UH. Thanks to UH and everyone who supported me. Very excited to start!
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Aug 23, 2017
Jake has been awarded the Travel Award for his poster at the ACS meeting in DC. Congratulations, Jake !
Jake has been awarded the Travel Award for his poster at the ACS meeting in DC. Congratulations, Jake !

Aug 17, 2017
Laken passed her Qualifying Exam! Congratulations, Laken.
Laken passed her Qualifying Exam! Congratulations, Laken.

Aug 14, 2017
Dain successfully defended his thesis! Well done, congratulations!
Dain successfully defended his thesis! Well done, congratulations!

Aug 04, 2017
Laken’s JOVE paper is published. Congratulations!
Laken’s JOVE paper is published. Congratulations!