One-For-All Polyolefin Functionalization: Active Ester as Gateway to Combine Insertion Polymerization with ROP, NMP, and RAFT

Dau, H.; Tsogtgerel,E.; Matyjaszewski, K.*; Harth, E.*. One-For-All Polyolefin Functionalization: Active Ester as Gateway to Combine Insertion Polymerization with ROP, NMP, and RAFT. (2022-01-05 00:00:00) Angewandte Chemie Volume 61, Issue 33, e202205931. [PDF]  [DOI]  [Article
One-For-All Polyolefin Functionalization: Active Ester as Gateway to Combine Insertion Polymerization with ROP, NMP, and RAFT
One-For-All Polyolefin Functionalization: Active Ester as Gateway to Combine Insertion Polymerization with ROP, NMP, and RAFT